In adherence to the project guidelines, it is imperative that all event data is stored using a consistent format. This format is detailed in the data model document, accessible through the provided link. The rationale behind maintaining uniform data formatting is to enable seamless sharing of data analytics services among different teams, regardless of the data source. This standardized approach enhances collaboration and interoperability across the project. Details can be found in the link. https://unsw.sharepoint.com/:w:/s/24-SENG-3011-Tutors872/Eeb1rm7pH9hHu1l1b7YJq4oBZ7EF7GMzdtRuWiuMPsbD5A?e=SIymYC page:
25T1-Data Model Specification - SENG3011 25T1 - UNSW SENG
The Tech Stack
The recommended technology stack for this project is centered around Amazon Web Services (AWS), and it includes various tools and services that students will utilize: