

Maximum 4 pages excluding appendix, submit a PDF

For the draft portfolio, it is intended only for peer feedback; therefore, you are not required to complete parts 6 and 7.

1. Requirement and Guideline

  1. Summary of your project outcome (max 250 words): Start with a brief overview that outlines the project's objectives, the chosen technologies and the reasoning behind their selection, and the project's overall value (benefits or advantages). This introduction provides essential context and highlights the project's significance.

  2. Personal Contribution (max 200 words): Detail your specific contributions during each sprint, emphasizing your roles, responsibilities, and key achievements. This section allows you to showcase your individual impact on the project's success.

  3. Challenges and Solutions (max 250 words): Identify significant challenges faced during the project and describe how you addressed them. Highlighting your problem-solving skills and resilience, this section demonstrates your ability to navigate obstacles effectively.

  4. Learning Outcomes and Reflections (max 250 words): Reflect on your learning journey, focusing on insights gained about cloud systems, serverless architecture, microservices, design business/practical applications, data handling, teamwork, and project management. Highlight new skills acquired and the enhancement of existing skills.

  5. Project improvement (max 250 words): write a critical analysis of the project's architecture, management, and design. If given the opportunity to start over, detail the aspects you would change and explain your reasons. This reflection encourages thoughtful consideration of potential improvements.

  6. Peer and Self-Assessment (max 150 words excluding the table): Construct a matrix to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each team member constructively, including yourself. Discuss how you would manage the team if you were to take on the role of team manager (or again if you are already a leader this time), focusing on changes to your management style based on this experience.


Technical Skill (0-5)

Project Management Skill (0-5)

Communication Skill (0-5)

Presentation skill (0-5)





















  1. Key Team Member (max 120 words): Identify the two most crucial contributors to the project from your point of view, which may include yourself, and justify their significance.

  2. Strategy for Selecting Team Members (max 130 words): Reflect on the strategy behind selecting team members, focusing on the skills, roles, and dynamics considered to ensure a balanced and effective team composition.

  3. Future Directions (max 150 words): Suggestions for further development of the project or new project ideas inspired by the work done. This section showcases your innovative thinking and the potential for future exploration based on the project's foundations.

  4. Appendices (if necessary): Any additional materials that support the portfolio, such as notes, links, pictures/screenshots, schedule planning, codes, etc., anything that is your work.

2. Due Date







Final Portfolio Submission

Week 11 Thursday, 11:59pm


The late penalty for both portfolio submissions is the standard UNSW late penalty of a 5% per day reduction of the maximum assessment mark. For example, if the assessment would receive an on-time mark of 7 / 10 and was submitted 3 days late the actual mark would be 5.5 / 10.

3. Marking Criteria

Section: Quality and Technical Maturity of the Contents


Section: Quality and Technical Maturity of the Contents


Summary of your project outcome


Personal Contribution


Challenges and Solutions


Learning Outcomes and Reflections


Project improvement


Peer and Self-Assessment


Key Team Member


Strategy for Selecting Team Members


Future Directions


  • Note: Evaluation weights may be fine-tuned at a later stage.

4. Submission

Please fill out the form and submit your portfolio PDF here
Microsoft Forms


5. Marking Rubrics

Here are the performance metrics and additional guidelines to assist you in writing your individual portfolio:

  1. Summary of Your Project Outcome (Weight: 10%)

  • Comprehensiveness: How well the summary outlines the project's objectives, technologies used, and their selection rationale.

  • Relevance: How well does the summary articulate the project's value?

  • Clarity and Conciseness: How well the summary is organized and within the word limit.

  1. Personal Contribution (Weight: 15%)

  • Depth of Engagement: How deeply was the student involved in the critical activities of the project?

  • Role Effectiveness: How impactful and significant were the roles and responsibilities undertaken by the student?

  • Evidence of Contribution: Is there concrete evidence supporting the student’s significant impact on the project?

  1. Challenges and Solutions (Weight: 10%)

  • Complexity of Challenges: Are the identified challenges both complex and crucial to the project's success? How complex and crucial are these?

  • Solution Effectiveness: How sensible and effective are these solutions in addressing challenges??

  • Resilience and Adaptability: Does the student demonstrate adaptability and resilience through problem-solving?

  1. Learning Outcomes and Reflections (Weight: 15%)

  • Insightfulness: How deeply insightful and indicative of a thorough learning process are the reflections?

  • Relevance and Application: How relevant are the insights to the project technologies and methodologies like cloud systems, serverless architecture, data analytics etc.?

  • Skill Development: Does the reflection show evidence of personal and professional skill enhancement?

  1. Project Improvement (Weight: 15%)

  • Critical Analysis: How thoroughly does the student critically analyze the project’s architecture, management, and design for potential improvements?

  • Constructive Suggestions: How solidly reasoned and practical are the critiques and suggestions for improvement?

  • Reflective Quality: How deeply does the student understand what could be improved and why?

  1. Peer and Self-Assessment (Weight: 15%)

  • Assessment Accuracy and Fairness: Does the student evaluate team members' work? How accurate and reflective is the assessment of both self and peers' contributions and performance?

  • Management Insight: How insightful and practical are the discussions on management changes, assuming the student was the team manager? Are the proposed management changes related to their evaluations of other team members' skills?

  1. Key Team Member (Weight: 5%)

  • Rationale for Selection: How well does the student justify the selection of key contributors based on concrete contributions?

  • Role Impact: How effectively does the student analyse the impact of key contributors on the project's success?

  1. Strategy for Selecting Team Members (Weight: 5%)

  • Strategic Insight: How well does the student reflect on and justify the strategy for team member selection?

  • Team Dynamics and Balance: How well does the student discuss the selection strategy's effectiveness in ensuring a balanced and effective team composition?

  1. Future Directions (Weight: 10%)

  • Innovativeness: How innovative are the suggestions for further development or new projects?

  • Feasibility and Relevance: How feasible and relevant are the suggested directions based on the project’s foundations?

  • Visionary Thinking: How well does the student demonstrate forward-thinking and potential for future exploration?

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